### INSTALL SCRIPT START ### $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['websitePath'] = '/index.php/Aktuelles2/items/update-10-jahre-fc-ok-stadioneroeffnung-turniere-fuer-u7-u8-u9-u10-u11-u13.html?file=tl_files/SGK/Jub-Turnier-10-Jahre-FC-OK_U7%2BU11%2BU13.pdf'; ### INSTALL SCRIPT STOP ### ?> ### INSTALL SCRIPT START ### $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['websitePath'] = '/index.php/Aktuelles2/items/update-10-jahre-fc-ok-stadioneroeffnung-turniere-fuer-u7-u8-u9-u10-u11-u13.html?file=tl_files/SGK/Jub-Turnier-10-Jahre-FC-OK_U7%2BU11%2BU13.pdf'; ### INSTALL SCRIPT STOP ### ?> Contao Open Source CMS

An error occurred while executing this script!

  1. If you are a Contao user, contact the administrator of your website.
  2. Open file system/logs/error.log and search for a corresponding entry.
  3. Open file system/config/localconfig.php and add the following line:
    $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['displayErrors'] = true;
  4. Read the Contao FAQs or visit the Contao support page.

To customize this notice, create a custom template file named templates/be_error.tpl.